DR VENESSA: Whey Protein Grass Fed Natural Immune Support, 12 oz

SKU: KHLV00266523 Category:

Dr. Venessa’s Grass Fed Hormone Free Whey is a complete protein that is all natural, of the highest quality, non-GMO and Gluten Free. It is sourced from family owned farms that do not use synthetic hormones to treat their cows such as rBST and rBGH. Our Protein is formulated with Whey Concentrate and Whey Isolate. By combining these types of whey it minimizes the fat and lactose content so you can enjoy a great tasting and healthy option for you daily protein needs. Our Grass Fed whey formulas also contains Colostrum, Lactoferrin (Bioferrin) and Lactase. Colostrum is the initial type of milk cows produce during pregnancy and for several day after giving birth.
Colostrum offers high levels of protein, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and antibiodies. As we age, our immune function becomes more vulnerable which in turn affects levels of energy, skin tissue decline and the health of our intestinal flora in the digestive tract. Bioferrin lactoferrin is a natural, biologically active milk protein isolated from fresh, sweet whey which offers maximum bioactivity. Lactase is an enzyme involved in the digestion of lactose in milk and dairy products. Many people are lactose intolerant and have abdominal discomfort when ingesting dairy products.




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